Selling Information

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Do you want to sell your home? Choose the Right Selling Agent!


The selling agent means the real estate agent who carries out tasks on behalf of a vendor with the sole objective to sell the property. The decision of hiring a reliable selling agent is crucial for the success of the sale. He/she will assist you giving an estimate of the likely selling price of your home, offer you right information on current market condition, create marketing strategies to promote the sale and guide you to choose the right selling method.

You need to keep the following things in mind while choosing a selling agent:

  • Work Experience
  • Negotiating Skills
  • Reliability, Trust and Confidence
  • Marketing Skills

At Stone Real Estate Agency, we create customised marketing strategies to help you sell the property at the desired price. Our sales team are professionally-trained and skilled negotiators. We are committed to offering high-quality to our clients using proven methods. With us, you can maximise the sale price and alleviate the stress level to a great extend.

If you are considering selling a residential property in Australia, feel free to contact us to get a no-obligation quote in the quickest manner.

Timing of Your Property Sale
Understand Market Cycles

The real estate market works according to the fluctuation of the share market in market cycles. These movements are basically cased by various macro economic factors, including international trade, interest rates, international economy, employment, exchange rates, the demand and supply rate of properties, consumer confidence and much more.

There is no denying the fact that you can’t control these movements in the real market. In contrary, we can decide when to buy and when to sell a property to boost our financial gains. For instance, it is good to sell a property at or near the top of the market cycle while buying near the bottom of the market cycle is the ideal time for property buyers.

According to our experts, property prices in Australia tend to doubles on an average every 7 to 10 years. Though this condition may change in the coming future, the demand for residential properties has been increasing in the past few years.

So, it is good to keep the current market condition in mind while selling the property. You can hire our specialists if you want to carry out the market research for better outcomes.

Personal Circumstances

The personal circumstances also play a vital role when it comes to selling the property. This includes both the financial as well as non-financial situations. Sometimes, there is an utter financial requirement and that’s why people sell the property. This could be due to the loss of a job, dissolving of a business, a divorce where both parties want to sell the family house and cut ties, and much more.

There are various non-financial situations that can affect your selling decision. For example, you are looking for a big home to fulfil the needs of your growing family or you need to move to a studio apartment because you have a small family.

Deciding on when to sell a home is a challenging task for every single individual. It is good to check the market conditions, seasonality and your personal circumstances while making the decision.


The seasonality of consumer demand also plays a vital role in determining the property prices in the market. For instance, the consumer demand in Gold Coas is highest in the warmer months. It is because people wants to spend time in beach in summer. So, choose the right season when you want to sell the property.

Methods of Sale

There are two types of methods that will help you sell the home. These are:

Public Auction:

This is regarded as being a great selling method if you are in the following condition:

  • The residential property is valuable or unique
  • The market is super hot and properties are selling due to strong customer demand
  • Lack of comparable sales

In this process, more than one potential purchaser for a property participate in bidding and the one who bids the highest will buy the property.

Private Treaty

Private Treaty is one of the most common methods and can be marketed in multiple ways. The most obvious method is to set an asking price. On the other side, some selling agents will also market and advertise a price range and offers over a certain price.

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